8 Oriel Way,Bicester Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, OX26 4TY
With the support and generosity of people like you, Shan Cultural Association in the UK can engage in its core activities, such as maintaining and promoting the beautiful culture of Shan People, and also to organise many free Shan cultural events and celebrations open to the public.
Shan (Tai) people are transnational ethnic lives in Myanmar (Burma), India, China, Thailand and in some part of Laos and Vietnam. SCA-UK is one of the leading cultural associations and its active role in maintaining and promoting the beautiful culture of Shan (Tai) has been increasingly important to Shan (Tai) people worldwide and its generations to come.
As a non-profitable organisation run by volunteers, SCA-UK relies on generous donors like yourself, sales from tickets at some fund raising events, online souvenir & book shop. Your money provide us a vital source of income which we used to fund a range of core cultural activities and events (most of which are FREE) open to the public. Whether it is cultural celebration, cultural show, conservation or one of the many other activities that we are involved in, we could not do it without your continued support and your money make a huge difference to preserve and promote Shan (Tai) culture.
The full potential of SCA-UK’s work in promoting Shan culture cannot be realised without your help. You can help us wherever you are in the world and however much you decide to give or spend by the following payment options.
You can donate instantly using your PayPal online donation function:
Your generosity is very much appreciated.